Sunday, December 31, 2006

Hello World

Just for posterity’s sake (and to document it), my picks for who will come out on top of the current console wars.


  1. Wii
  2. Xbox360
  3. PS3

North America:

  1. Wii.
  2. Xbox360
  3. PS3
  • Rationale: Xbox360 will continue to lead in 2007 but Nintendo will continue to close the gap with their aggressive push to the non-gamer crowd and continued sales to the Nintendo faithful. By the end of this generation, I see Nintendo with the greatest number of console sales - but not by much. There will be no clear cut majority as in the last generation.
  • PS3 will have a difficult time overcoming their earlier stumbles. The console is too expensive; it’s too expensive to develop games for the PS3; the market penetration of the PS3 is limited because of its price point; that in turn will cause developers to shun the PS3 because of development costs and lack of console ownership mentioned supra.


  1. Wii
  2. PS3
  3. Xbox360
  • Rationale: For whatever reason, Japan has not warmed up to the Xbox360. The Wii has many parallels with the Nintendo DS and I predict the Wii will mirror the success of the DS in Japan.


  1. Wii
  2. Xbox360
  3. PS3
  • Rationale: Everything costs more in Europe. Because of this, the Wii will have a distinct advantage for the foreseeable future.

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