Friday, September 28, 2007

Sexual Escapades

As I am writing this, one of the janitors at my law school library is logging online to look at porn. How do I know this?

Incident #1:
Janitor left computer as I arrived on scene to check something real quick online. Lo and behold, I open the browser and up pops a browser window for "HOT BLACK MILFs." W.T.F. Not wanting to be seen with a website like that, I quickly exit that browser window, do my quick (and clean) online search, and leave.

Incident #2:
Janitor is at the same computer again and as I walk from behind him, he notices me and shifts his body in such a way that he believed would obscure my view of the computer monitor. It didn't. What did I end up seeing? Two seconds of what seems to be an online webcam with some (big)girl on it.

I'm tempted to casually walk by this janitor again, just to see if he's searching for porn again. Hmm...brb.

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