Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Beijing National Acrobatic Troupe



(Psst, pictures are clickable. Correction: Only the first picture is clickable. Stupid blogger.) One word: Amazing. The Beijing National Acrobatic Troupe's performance a few nights ago was simply a jaw-dropping experience. The act had a thunderous opening but never let up. From delicate dancers to feats of strength, everything was electrifying. In fact, it was two hours of near impossibility in human ability. I have never applauded for so long, so passionately. By the end of the show, the audience was on its feet and I am sure nobody wanted it to end. Although the tickets were expensive, it was well worth the price of admission. 

I took some pictures but they fail to do justice to simply being there and experiencing all the sights and sounds of the performance yourself. It was a fitting ending to my winter break and hopefully the new year will be just as exciting. 

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