Saturday, August 4, 2007

Goals Revisited

What I wrote almost three months ago:

I guess my first year can be summed up as bittersweet. It will be interesting what will be in store for me next year - assuming my grades get me through this first year. I really don't know what I want to do. I do have a few easily attainable goals for this summer though. 1) I want to get back in shape. 2) I want to reconnect with a few friends - the group of friends who I have known since elementary school. 3) This may be the most ambitious of my summer goals, but after a brief discussion with a study buddy of mine, I'd like to push my comfort zone out a bit more; step out of my bubble every once in a while; try not to seek comfort but to continually do...something. I'm not sure how successful I will be with this third goal, I've thought about similar things in the past but I never really pushed myself to step out of my bubble. At the very least, attempting to reach these goals will give me something to write about.

Current status:

1) I am nearly back in shape. I'm probably 2/3rds of the way there. I can at least see some definition take place and I can work out five days straight without feeling sore.

2) Reconnect with friends? Done*. The Nintendo Wii is a great get-together machine. Must buy some more party games.

3) Expand my comfort zone? In progress. Will get back on the progress in a few weeks.

*By done I mean I reconnected with the childhood friends that are still in the area. A lot of my childhood friends are now either studying or working up north. Know what this means? ROADTRIP!