Wife Admits to an Unloving Marriage. After Reading the Article, You'll Sympathize With the Husband
The lady to your right is the lady in question. No, I am not being a misogynist, read the article and judge for yourself. Here's a snippet:
For me, the sense of being special to Hal faded away just as it did with previous boyfriends. I became obsessed with agony columns, poring over letters talking of boring marriages and the temptation of affairs and willing just one agony aunt to advise someone to run off with a lover.
I think I see a pattern here. She falls head over heals for whoever is the lust of the moment. After some time, her feelings fade away and she seeks out that same feeling that she got at the beginning of all her relationships. However, leaving her husband will do her no good. She'll find another man, fall head over heals for him, but sooner or later those feelings will fade away again and she'll be back to square one all over again.
It really is selfish of her to be concerned with only how she feels. What about how her husband feels? It may not even be the sex perhaps but the husband should still deserve some emotional companionship, dare I say love? According to her, he has been a "good man, a great dad." Shouldn't at the very least she treat him with respect rather than carrying on relationships with other men?
Now I'm a fairly young guy but I assume that most relationships do in fact "fade out." However, are there not other bonds that keep relationships together, that keep the love strong? I would think your initial physical attraction may fade somewhat but that is replaced with feelings of love and affection, among many feelings.
Keeping a relationship together may be a very difficult thing to do. But the effort and love that is put into it could make it a very rewarding endeavor. Good relationships have their peaks and valleys. The effort should be put into the valleys; the peaks take care of themselves. If you put the effort into doing what will make your partner happy, including the communication necessary to find out what that truly is, then the returns will speak for themselves. Love is never wasted.
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