Blazer commentators on NBA TV are the worst ever!
Dear NBA TV,
Please replace whoever it is that is manning the broadcast booth when the Blazers are playing at home against the Rockets. These commentators are absolute homers. They frame their game 1 loss against the Rockets as "expected" because the Blazers are a young team. They also framed their losses in games 3 and 4 as "so close" that the blazers only lost by a combined four points. What. The. Fuck.
Ok. I don't give a crap if your team is young or not. You, having home court, are "expected" to win at home. No ifs, ands or buts. Don't try and minimize your loss on the Blazers' youth. You had home court. The fans were cheering for you. The Rockets were playing MINUS McGrady. You have Brandon Roy. And yet, the commentators still found a way to minimze the loss and blame it on youth. And framing your loses in games 3 and 4 as "so close" that you can feel the Blazers turning it around is absolutely stupid. In the playoffs, losing is losing. There are no moral victories. You lose, you go home.
These commentators are absolute homers. Whenever a Blazer hits a shot, the commentators yell and scream and say "yessss!" as if a fan is commentating for the game. They don't analyze the game at all. Instead, they cheer their team, bad mouth the opposing team, and sound just like any fan in the arena. More than the idiotic things that these commentators say is that they yell A LOT. I have never heard commentators yell so much for their team. It got so bad that at one point I decided to hit the mute button.
If you don't believe me, just google Portland Trailblazers commentators and you'll get a slew of hits about how bad these commentators are. Please, do everyone a favor and fire these clowns.
*Note, I am not a Rockets fan. I just like to watch playoff ball and because of the Blazers commentators, I am seriously considering watching something else.
Edit: Now I know who they are! Rick Kamla and Steve Smith. Please, fire these guys.
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